HoneyFun's Mod
A downloadable Minecraft mod
Well well well, I took a break off of Cube Capture to create a Minecraft mod. I call it the Obsidian and Opals mod because the main things it adds/modifies are opals and obsidian.
The obsidian ingot is crafted with 1 obsidian. It produces 9 of them. You can use it to make armor, swords, pickaxes, etc.
It also adds normal, ender and fiery opals. Those can be crafted into blocks, having high blast resistance and a good building material. Their ores require an obsidian pickaxe to mine but their blocks only need an iron one. Ender opal ore spawns in the End, fiery opal ore spawns in the Nether, and normal plain old yellow opal ore spawns in the Overworld.
It also adds silicon ore and a rod of silicon. More on that in the next paragraph.
And also adds silver ore and a silver ingot. Again, more on that in the next paragraph.
The mod also adds LEDs and fluorescent lamps. You craft the fluorescent lamp with two gold ingots, one iron ingot, and six glass. The LED is crafted like an ender crystal is, but instead the eye of ender is replaced with a silicon rod and the ghast tear is replaced with silver.
It finally modifies the /tp command so you can teleport between dimensions. The Overworld is dimension 0, the Nether -1, and the End 1.
Well, that's basically all of it. Version 1.2 will not come out as soon. I really want to finish Cube Capture v0.3.0.
Major update: 1.2b1
Adds a new dimension. To get there, craft an ice portal, made with one ice, four opals, and five obsidian ingots, which have been renamed to compressed obsidian because that's what they really are.
The Backtracker - use it in any dimension to teleport back to the overworld. Just be careful - it sets your dimension, but doesn't set you to your spawnpoint, so you may spawn in a location far away from home or inside some blocks! Craft it with either an ice portal and a block of dirt or like an ice portal except with gold ingots replacing compressed obsidian and cobblestone replacing the ice.
Icy opals - they spawn (not in the new dimension though, yet) rarely but do not have a block form yet. These are WIP and will be completed in 1.2b2.
New structures - new structures will spawn, but I don't want to tell you any of them - I want you to find all of them on your own. Note that the structures in the new dimension (dubbed the Ice Age) are kind of glitchy... (way too common and spawn at layers 0 and 255 mainly)
A version checker - checks for updates and reports in the "Mod Options" menu in the pause menu or in the "Mods" menu on the title screen.
New splash texts - adds a couple of new splash texts.
New blocks specific to the Ice Age dimension.
Instead of one creative tab, we have THREE now. One has this mod's blocks, one has this mod's items, and the last has all the tools and weapons.
Buffed the obsidian tools - they were weaker than diamond, and yet you needed diamond to get them!
And there is more... and there will be more. Stay in check while you wait for 1.2b2!
Update: 1.2b2
I am not going to tell you what is in this update. Hehehehehehe!!!
Update: 1.2b3 and 1.2b3f1
Adds the TNT Miner - give it a little redstone and a lot of TNT, and you can dig a hole to bedrock!
Update: 1.2b4
Adds an explosion staff - more to come! Also fixes a few bugs.
Update: 1.2!!!
Finishes the staff family by adding a lightning staff and an extinguisher.
Note: this is a snapshot. It does not have the full features of 1.2, or 1.2 may not have all the features currently here. It will have bugs, and be aware of that. Good luck trying out snapshots!
Status | Released |
Category | Game mod |
Author | CubeXGames |
Tags | minecraft-mod |
Install instructions
Download Minecraft Forge here. Then, open the Minecraft launcher. Click on "Launch Options," and click on the "forge" option. On the fourth option, on the far right is a green arrow. Click that. It will open a File Explorer/Finder (on Mac) window called ".minecraft." (or just "minecraft" on Mac.) Look through that folder until you find a "mods" folder. (if you don't, run the game with forge and it should be there - see the next paragraph on how to run with forge) Double-click on that, and put the .jar file you downloaded from this page into there.
When running Minecraft, instead of just clicking "Play," you want to click the green arrow next to it, and select the box that says "forge" on it, with something under it like "1.12.2-forge1.12.2-" (It probably will be different for you) Then click Play, and you should have an extra creative tab (well, three new ones in the beta version) with all the items! (Though all my items do spawn naturally in a new world)
Comment if you have any problems.
Happy playing!
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